ROADMAP Planung ersetzt Zufall durch Fehler Für die strukturierte Einführung der B2BSeller Suite hat das gesamte Team an einer Roadmap gearbeitet. Einkäufer, deren tägliche Aufgabe es ist, Waren zu beschaffen, wollen nicht nur die Barrieren des stationären Handels abbauen, sondern auch den gesamten Einkaufsprozess zeitgemäß abwickeln. Sie wollen zeitraubende Telefonate und E-Mail-Verkehr (bei Preis- oder Verfügbarkeitsanfragen) vermeiden und ihre Bestellungen mit wenigen Klicks abschließen.
ROADMAP Planning replaces chance with error For the structured introduction of the B2BSeller Suite, the entire team worked on a roadmap. Buyers whose daily task is to procure goods not only want to break down the barriers of brick-and-mortar retail, but also want to handle the entire purchasing process in a timely manner. They want to avoid time-consuming phone calls and e-mail traffic (for price or availability inquiries) and complete their orders with just a few clicks.
B2B companies therefore already have an awareness of the importance of digital solutions for goods procurement. However, they often lack the ideas, resources or competent partners for implementation. Common store systems on the market also do not meet all individual requirements for a holistic B2B e-commerce solution. System manufacturers often provide extensions for their B2B solutions, but these are more to be understood as a framework and less as a mature software platform.
ROADMAP Planning replaces chance with error For the structured introduction of the B2BSeller Suite, the entire team worked on a roadmap. Buyers whose daily task is to procure goods not only want to break down the barriers of brick-and-mortar retail, but also want to handle the entire purchasing process in a timely manner. They want to avoid time-consuming phone calls and e-mail traffic (for price or availability inquiries) and complete their orders with just a few clicks.
B2B companies therefore already have an awareness of the importance of digital solutions for goods procurement. However, they often lack the ideas, resources or competent partners for implementation. Common store systems on the market also do not meet all individual requirements for a holistic B2B e-commerce solution. System manufacturers often provide extensions for their B2B solutions, but these are more to be understood as a framework and less as a mature software platform.
Good B2B platforms are a rarity
Many magazines describe digital B2B commerce as a gigantic market. So far, however, only large companies with a lot of resources and a time-to-market of more than a year have been able to start B2B e-commerce.
B2B buyers with B2C requirements
In today's B2B commerce, goods are purchased by people who also shop online privately and expect the B2C standard of convenience at work as well. At the same time, the entire purchasing process, including product search and checkout, must be even faster - with more data traffic overall.
B2B buyers want less effort, while price is not the first priority. Therefore, you as a retailer or manufacturer should make your B2B commerce smart, provide all the necessary features for buyers and your sales service, and put the benefit for your customers first.
B2B buyers want less effort, while price is not the first priority. Therefore, you as a retailer or manufacturer should make your B2B commerce smart, provide all the necessary features for buyers and your sales service, and put the benefit for your customers first.
1. set an example of digitization in the boardroom
Anyone who has ever developed a digitization strategy knows how much time it can take. Often, such a project is then postponed because other projects seem more important or because decision-makers do not want to take any risks.
But think of the advantages of a digital platform and set goals in the board: less dependence on major customers, lower sales costs, scaling of sales and more. All it takes is more courage to digitize.
Demonstrate digital processes, convince yourself of the possibilities and your employees will automatically be convinced as well. Use digitization as an opportunity to make complicated price structures and processes more transparent and easier to understand. This will help you retain your regular customers and, above all, inspire new customers.
But think of the advantages of a digital platform and set goals in the board: less dependence on major customers, lower sales costs, scaling of sales and more. All it takes is more courage to digitize.
Demonstrate digital processes, convince yourself of the possibilities and your employees will automatically be convinced as well. Use digitization as an opportunity to make complicated price structures and processes more transparent and easier to understand. This will help you retain your regular customers and, above all, inspire new customers.
B2Bsellers suite
View 7 more tips now
- Learn more about the advantages of a B2B customer portal
- Guide to building B2B platforms
- Why B2B portals are the future of B2B e-commerce
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