B2Bsellers Suite


Your B2B online store becomes a smart seller

B2B retailers typically invest millions of dollars in digital marketing. But if too few visitors become paying and returning customers, those fees are useless. Only by providing a convenient shopping experience can your marketing spend reach its full potential. The easier shopping is, the more sales your store generates.


Get a first insight into the B2Bsellers Suite. choose from the view as store customer, sales representative or the view as store operator.

product presentation

Live presentation of the B2Bsellers Suite for Shopware 6.


Here you can find all the news about the B2Bsellers Suite - just stay up to date!


Our roadmap to your success.


The interfaces play a central role. Inform now.

Issue Tracker

here will follow soon an automatic display of the currently open and already solved issues


Here you can access the documentation where you can see all the details of B2Bsellers Suite.

Dev Onboarding [Video]

With this video we give you the insight into the development of B2B sellers Suite as well as how you can extend the B2B suite.

Demo stores

Now here all functions simply test in the frontend and without registration.


Recorded webinars - These topics interest you the most