In the second release in October we fix a bug in the last newly introduced installation routine. In addition, it is now also taken into account if the email address for a newly created administrative employee already exists in the system as a guest orderer.
BCS-1512 Fixed plugin installation due to a bug in the installation constraints
BCS-1511 Fixed admin employee creation when email address is already in the system for a guest customer
Migration from 1.X.X | 2.X.X to 1.1.6 | 2.0.2
Updating from 1.X.X or 2.X.X to the latest version is quite simple:
Option 1: Via the Shopware admin area
1. upload the ZIP file in the plugin list
2. after that you have to click on "update" for the plugin "B2Bsellers Suite
3. then delete the cache.
4. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.
Option 2: Via the Console
1. delete all files under "custom/plugins/b2bsellerscore
2. upload all files from the ZIP into this folder again
3. execute "bin/console plugin:list && plugin:update b2bsellercore
3. then delete the cache.
5. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.
Option 3: Per Composer:
1. first request an access to our Packagist account.
2. perform "composer update b2b-sellers/core
3. you still need to build the storefront, the admin and the B2B platform
3. then delete the cache.
5. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.
Of course we recommend to run and test the update on a development environment first.
If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at