B2Bsellers Suite

B2Bsellers - Release 1.1.4


The new version 1.1.4 of the B2Bsellers Suite focuses on the security of our platform, as dhis version contains an important security update.

Please make sure to update as soon as possible to ensure the improved stability and security of our platform.


BCS-1392 When importing customers via CSV, the stored role is correctly stored for the employee.
BCS-1444 Fix B2bLineItemInformation and LineItemEditInformation
BCS-1446 Fixed missing employeeEmailValidationService (checkEmployeeEmail)
BCS-1447 Fixed zero price customer prices
Security issue: fixed bug with Order Deep Link where customers were also logged in directly.
BCS-1459 Fixed js-error when opening employee detail page without enabled bonus (cannot read properties of null (reading 'b2b_show_bonus'))


Migration from 1.X.X to 1.1.4

The update from 1.X.X to version 1.1.4 is quite simple:

Option 1: Via the Shopware admin area

1. upload the ZIP file in the plugin list
2. after that you have to click on "update" for the plugin "B2Bsellers Suite
3. then delete the cache.
4. done, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to 1.1.4.

Option 2: Via the Console

1. delete all files under "custom/plugins/b2bsellerscore
2. upload all files from the ZIP into this folder again
3. execute "bin/console plugin:list && plugin:update b2bsellercore
3. then delete the cache.
5. done, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to 1.1.4.

Option 3: Per Composer:

1. first request an access to our Packagist account.
2. perform "composer update b2b-sellers/core
3. you still need to build the storefront, the admin and the B2B platform
3. then delete the cache.
5. done, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to 1.1.4.

Of course we recommend to run and test the update on a development environment first.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at support@b2b-sellers.com

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