B2Bsellers Suite

B2Bsellers - Release 3.2.0


With the Minor release 3.2.0 we are launching an important innovation in the B2Bsellers Suite: Single Sign-On (SSO)! This function allows users to authenticate themselves once and then access the All connected systems within your B2B landscape.

We currently rely on Auth0 as the first SSO solution, other providers such as Google and Azure are being planned. Especially for Employees and sales staff this means faster and easier access to the relevant tools and services - without the need for cumbersome password management.

SSO is available as a paid add-on, but can be used from the starter version onwardsso that companies of all sizes can benefit from this practical function.

In addition to the introduction of SSO, this release includes further optimizations that improve the performance and user-friendliness of the B2Bsellers Suite.

RESOLVED BUGS v3.2.0 - Shopware 6.6 Compatible


  • BCS-1948 Added Employee SSO Addon


  • BCS-1976 Fixed No PDF preview generated when creating offer as sales rep in SW6.6
  • BCS-2182 Fixed Offer as a sales rep profit margin not taking discount into account
  • BCS-2206 Fixed Cannot remove product from placed order in admin
  • BCS-2220 Fixed Fast order via csv import not adding items from file to list


Migration from 3.X.X to 3.2.0

Updating from 3.X.X to the latest version is quite simple:

Option 1: Via the Shopware admin area

1. upload the ZIP file in the plugin list
2. after that you have to click on "update" for the plugin "B2Bsellers Suite
3. then delete the cache.
4. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.

Option 2: Via the Console

1. delete all files under "custom/plugins/b2bsellerscore
2. upload all files from the ZIP into this folder again
3. execute "bin/console plugin:list && plugin:update b2bsellercore
3. then delete the cache.
5. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.

Option 3: Per Composer:

1. first request an access to our Packagist account.
2. perform "composer update b2b-sellers/core
3. you still need to build the storefront, the admin and the B2B platform
3. then delete the cache.
5. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.

Of course we recommend to run and test the update on a development environment first.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at support@b2b-sellers.com

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