B2Bsellers Suite

B2Bsellers - Release 2.3.5 | 3.1.5


We are pleased to inform you that the bugfix version 2.3.5 | 3.1.5 of the B2Bsellers Suite has been released. In this version, we have fixed several bugs to improve the stability and performance of the B2Bsellers Suite. 

RESOLVED BUGS v3.1.5 - Shopware 6.6 Compatible


  • BCS-2159 Increase minimum compatibility version to Shopware


  • BCS-1466 Fixed - Discount LineItem in offer function
  • BCS-1578 Fixed order request link in the email template
  • BCS-1713 Fixed Password activation mail not using correct language
  • BCS-1871 Fixed TypeHint for ProductListingLoader in ProductListingRoute
  • BCS-1992 Fixed Exploded view requires multiple images in order to work
  • BCS-2026 Fixed Gross sum not updating for fast order as a sales rep if shipping cost is adjusted
  • BCS-2032 Fixed Customer activity omitting company name
  • BCS-2033 Fixed Customer activity CSV export listing Reference twice
  • BCS-2043 Fixed Button "view file" in documents modal on orders cut off in non-English localization
  • BCS-2054 Fixed While logged into an employee as a sales rep, you can see all roles from all customers and edit them
  • BCS-2068 Fixed Localization error in employee creation for German
  • BCS-2069 Fixed Localization error for accountActivation.invalidHash EN
  • BCS-2108 Fixed Error when having custom pricing while country is set to be tax-free
  • BCS-2112 Fixed All properties are missing on PDP that use a property belonging to a property sets and no property without property set connection is used
  • BCS-2117 Fixed Block options for "Dashboard-Buttons" in admin on product layout tab has no options
  • BCS-2128 Fixed Tracking numbers in orders modal missing separator
  • BCS-2130 Updated sorting order for sales rep orders and statistics to Date DESC
  • BCS-2131 Fixed Cannot see media options while configuring a dashboard button
  • BCS-2157 Fixed Using individual shipping address in sales rep fast order is saving unintended values

RESOLVED BUGS v2.3.5 - Shopware 6.5 Compatible


  • BCS-2160 Increase minimum compatibility version to Shopware


  • BCS-1466 Fixed - Discount LineItem in offer function
  • BCS-1578 Fixed order request link in the email template
  • BCS-1713 Fixed Password activation mail not using correct language
  • BCS-1871 Fixed TypeHint for ProductListingLoader in ProductListingRoute
  • BCS-1992 Fixed Exploded view requires multiple images in order to work
  • BCS-2026 Fixed Gross sum not updating for fast order as a sales rep if shipping cost is adjusted
  • BCS-2032 Fixed Customer activity omitting company name
  • BCS-2033 Fixed Customer activity CSV export listing Reference twice
  • BCS-2043 Fixed Button "view file" in documents modal on orders cut off in non-English localization
  • BCS-2054 Fixed While logged into an employee as a sales rep, you can see all roles from all customers and edit them
  • BCS-2068 Fixed Localization error in employee creation for German
  • BCS-2069 Fixed Localization error for accountActivation.invalidHash EN
  • BCS-2108 Fixed Error when having custom pricing while country is set to be tax-free
  • BCS-2112 Fixed All properties are missing on PDP that use a property belonging to a property sets and no property without property set connection is used
  • BCS-2128 Fixed Tracking numbers in orders modal missing separator
  • BCS-2130 Updated sorting order for sales rep orders and statistics to Date DESC
  • BCS-2157 Fixed Using individual shipping address in sales rep fast order is saving unintended values


Migration from 2.X.X | 3.X.X to 2.3.5 | 3.1.5

Updating from 2.X.X or 3.X.X to the latest version is quite simple:

Option 1: Via the Shopware admin area

1. upload the ZIP file in the plugin list
2. after that you have to click on "update" for the plugin "B2Bsellers Suite
3. then delete the cache.
4. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.

Option 2: Via the Console

1. delete all files under "custom/plugins/b2bsellerscore
2. upload all files from the ZIP into this folder again
3. execute "bin/console plugin:list && plugin:update b2bsellercore
3. then delete the cache.
5. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.

Option 3: Per Composer:

1. first request an access to our Packagist account.
2. perform "composer update b2b-sellers/core
3. you still need to build the storefront, the admin and the B2B platform
3. then delete the cache.
5. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.

Of course we recommend to run and test the update on a development environment first.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at support@b2b-sellers.com

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