B2Bsellers Suite

B2Bsellers - Release 2.2.5 | 3.0.2


We are pleased to inform you that the bugfix version 2.2.5 | 3.0.2 of the B2Bsellers Suite has been released. In this version we have fixed several bugs to improve the stability and performance of the B2Bsellers Suite. 

RESOLVED BUGS 3.0.2 - Shopware 6.6 Compatible


  • BCS-1862 Fixed Compatibility with SwagCommercial in fast order view


  • BCS-1586 Fixed wrong customer group in the currentCustomerGroup of the context in virtual carts
  • BCS-1662 Fixed Registration Double Optin causes broken login
  • BCS-1663 Fixed GenericPageLoader used instead of GenericPageLoaderInterface breaks Service Decorator Support
  • BCS-1684 Fixed Calendar adjusts to selected user langauge
  • BCS-1734 Fixed Product Quicksearch product quantity-related issues 
  • BCS-1817 Fixed Can't complete employee registration if started via link 
  • BCS-1823 Fixed Setting employees to inactive makes them disappear entirely
  • BCS-1828 Fixed ZIP code required in some places where Shopware doesn't require it anymore
  • BCS-1838 Fixed max. discount on product level
  • BCS-1845 Fixed OCI checkout form element not closed correctly
  • BCS-1849 Fixed Cart not emptied after offer has been submitted
  • BCS-1852 Fixed Payment option restriction conditions ignored in customer payment settings
  • BCS-1854 Fixed Service Team fallback image hardcoded
  • BCS-1857 Fixed type of b2b_price_at_product custom field
  • BCS-1858 Fixed Order list not displaying current order status
  • BCS-1866 Fixed Clicking more information link on individual login option activates/deactivates option
  • BCS-1869 Fixed Some sorting options in employee overview don't work correctly
  • BCS-1880 Fixed Address Custom Fields are discarded in fast order
  • BCS-1900 Fixed customer selection on employee base in the administration when custom field b2b_sales_representative is not set

RESOLVED BUGS 2.2.5 - Shopware 6.5 Compatible


  • BCS-1862 Fixed Compatibility with SwagCommercial in fast order vie


  • BCS-1684 Fixed Calendar adjusts to selected user langauge
  • BCS-1838 Fixed max. discount on product level
  • BCS-1852 Fixed Payment option restriction conditions ignored in customer payment settings
  • BCS-1854 Fixed Service Team fallback image hardcoded
  • BCS-1857 Fixed type of b2b_price_at_product custom field
  • BCS-1858 Fixed Order list not displaying current order status
  • BCS-1869 Fixed Some sorting options in employee overview don't work correctly
  • BCS-1880 Fixed Address Custom Fields are discarded in fast order
  • BCS-1900 Fixed customer selection on employee base in the administration when custom field b2b_sales_representative is not set


Migration from 2.X.X | 3.X.X to 2.2.5 | 3.0.2

Updating from 2.X.X or 3.X.X to the latest version is quite simple:

Option 1: Via the Shopware admin area

1. upload the ZIP file in the plugin list
2. after that you have to click on "update" for the plugin "B2Bsellers Suite
3. then delete the cache.
4. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.

Option 2: Via the Console

1. delete all files under "custom/plugins/b2bsellerscore
2. upload all files from the ZIP into this folder again
3. execute "bin/console plugin:list && plugin:update b2bsellercore
3. then delete the cache.
5. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.

Option 3: Per Composer:

1. first request an access to our Packagist account.
2. perform "composer update b2b-sellers/core
3. you still need to build the storefront, the admin and the B2B platform
3. then delete the cache.
5. finished, your B2Bsellers plugin has been updated to the latest version.

Of course we recommend to run and test the update on a development environment first.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at support@b2b-sellers.com

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